Friday, March 28, 2014

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A building in the form of a coin in China

By: Unknown On: 5:19 AM
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  • China has always been interested in the work of creating new forms of patterns of innovations in all areas, and within that it is keen to reflect all the meanings of the Wonders & JESTS in architecture and has visited China فقطعا has passed in one or more of these buildings remarkable among those buildings strange is the building designed in the form of a coin

    As the building recently in China in the form of ancient coins, this property is located in Liwan district Guangzhou City of Guangdong Province in southern China have been designed by the architect Joseph de Pascuali. It has been the design of the building in the form of a coin old form so fiercely in memory and make them return to tourists and visitors to visit him from time to time and some have called the name of the "building the currency

    We are also inspired by the idea of this building of coin bronze "Lucky" and the cost of this building billion Chinese yuan, tall 453 feet (138 meters) with a Round-hole in the locus of a diameter 154 feet (47 meters), which is a 33-storey
    The director in charge of the project that the design of the building combines Chinese and Western design in that one, virtual readability and his appearance in a currency, it also like old Frente. The spout Chinese believed to be centrally located it is bringing lucky

    The use of this building an office building ad hoc financial and commercial affairs