Monday, May 12, 2014

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Interior Design - Colors chose your home yourself

By: Unknown On: 8:42 AM
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  • Colors of your home will increase you comfort .. There is no doubt that colors affect mood and mental state in general , People choose the right colors in their homes , and this is reflected on their personalities and what they love. The study pointed out that the colors of the rooms in the house , have an impact on our case, mood and psychological , so when your choice of colors paint the rooms in your home being keen on selected occasion , and be the trick in that Tmzja colors with some of them love him and Tertahi to the presence in it and your family. In the living room , you can use warm colors such as red , yellow, orange , and earthy colors like brown and beige , these colors stimulate sit down and talk, and help in communicating with others . Go to the bedroom because it is a place to relax , communicate with your partner , blue, green, cool colors are the right choice for these rooms , because of their impact pacifier , and promotes a sense of serenity and protection, also helps reduce nightmares , and syphilis light also reflects the comfort and peace , and fuchsia can increase passion and love. It uses light green , in places where we need nerves of the eye rest , so it 's best used in offices, rooms , and bathrooms , and the green center is perfect for kitchens because it opens the appetite.