Thursday, April 24, 2014

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Tips for Choosing the proper curtains in a room home

By: Unknown On: 10:51 AM
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  • The selection of curtains in the final stage of the furniture , and the reason for this is so in line with the decor of the room in terms of colors and arrangement, so you should strictly selected , so as not to be abnormal for the decor of the room , here are some tips for this:

    - Akhtariha according to use:
    Different choice of curtains saloon and living room , with him to the bedroom , For these latter , you adopt the curtains contribute to the comfort and protects your privacy and block light so as not to fall down victim of insomnia , if you Tqtunain alive crowded populated , it must be your veils thick and double ; Ki Thajabi vision for pedestrians abroad . But if your home is in an isolated area or a room overlooking the main road then it can be Tsrahi in your choice of lace and transparent fabrics .

    - Akhtariha method according to the room :
    Inevitably Stkhtarin curtains that impair you like , but you can not go out from the circle style room , if the latter Modern bed of leather or wood is not your best choice of curtains of velvet or fabric inspired by the civilization Romania , but if you choose the curtains of cloth cover himself , hand carvings it is not desirable to be curtains sweaty unless the entire room one color .