Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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Wonderful Twin Bunk Beds For Small Bedroom For Interior Design

By: Unknown On: 9:51 AM
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  • Small bedroom means small bed or you can use twin bunk beds instead. As the resting place of the home owners from her or his daily activities certainly make bedroom’s role something that can’t be ignored. For those of you who have a spacious bedroom, putting a complete bedroom set is of course it is not a big challenge. But a person who has a small room to your bedroom, of course you have to be smart to make use of the existing space. One trick to overcome the lack of space is to use a bunk bed. With the advances interior design, bunk beds now also had various design and functionality.
    In organizing a simple bedroom with a small space, there are several things you should consider if you want to apply this type of bed in your bedroom. First of all is the size. This not only about the size of the bed level, but the size of the room, make sure the bunk bed you buy fit in your room. To make sure of this, measure not only the length and width, but also height, leaving space between the ceilings above the bed, at least 1 meter. Second is the design. Design in here is not just the twin bunk beds design on each level, but also the design of your room.
    Embrace the concept of a minimalist or contemporary concept to create a spacious bedroom atmosphere. Adjust your bunk bed model with the theme of your room. Make sure you have your concept layout of your bedroom and make sure on which side of the bedroom you want to put the bunk bed.
    Make sure the bed you buy has the level of high quality. Consider again the strength of the construction, because there are two beds that are overlapping, it will be very dangerous if the top bunk fell on the bottom bunk. You should buy expensive bunk beds where quality is assured.